

Sunday, May 24, 2009

An Inside Perspective

In order to understand why these reforms are needed so badly in the first place, I decided to talk to someone who is personally involved in the Medicaid system. I interviewed Maureen Kavjian, a financial manager at a medical practice that is in the Medicaid program. Her job is to process claims and payments from the federal government to fund the Medicaid program. Here's what she had to say.

What are the biggest issues with the current Medicaid system?

I don't think there are any major issues with the Medicare program, but Medicaid's one major issue is that it is run by two private corporations, Amerigroup (which employs over 700 doctors for 11 states) and Anthem Health Keepers Plus. Medicaid patients are only able to go to a doctor covered by Medicaid if they are signed up for this program through a private corporation. The problem is these companies pay so little to the doctors, that there are hardly any doctors willing to sign up. This leaves patients with no doctors anywhere near them that they can see.

What are your thoughts on the reforms to American health care?

I think that it will only make the situation worse unless the government is willing to pay the doctors more money in order to get more doctors in the program. It will simply cause more patients to have health insurance with no doctors to go to.

I found this perspective on the issue very enlightening. It is good that Obama has addressed that choice of doctor needs to be given to the patients, but not monetary aid has been given to this aspect of the issue yet.

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